Oh, Adelynn. Oh, Ava. Oh, Ollie.

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The kids are playing monopoly and Ava is running out of money.
“I’m gonna go bankrupt!” She says.
Ollie likes her idea so he echoes “I’m gonna go bank rob!” 😆


The kids are baking together.
They are having a great time and then I hear Ollie mumble “Kids are weird.”


We are looking at the sky and I ask “Do you think it’s going to rain?” Ava affirms
Then, instead of saying I should check the weather forecast, Ollie says “You should check the weather plans.”
He further clarifies “It’s called the ‘weather plans’ because the weather has plans.” 


“Bakawwwwww” Ollie yawns. 
“Oliver you created a chicken yawn! You’ve now created two things: a chicken yawn, and a ninja sneeze … hi-ya-chew!” Ava imitates. 


“How do you spell church?” Ollie asks. So I spell it two letters at a time.
“C-H… U-R… C-H” 
“….U-R?” He asks 


I’m at the store with Ollie.
“Which toilet paper should we get? This one, or this one?” I point.
“I don’t care which one, I just need toilet paper.” He says.
He’s so wise. 


Ollie describes how he feels when his teeth get scraped at the dentist
“It makes my blood feel weird… and my skin vibrates” 
Son, I get it.


Ava turns down wearing her Hey Dudes. 
“Do you not like the Hey Dudes you have, Ava?” Adelynn questions. 
“I only have one.” Ava states (meaning one pair)
“Yeah, do you not like the Hey Dude you have?” Adelynn rephrases 


Ava said something about Michael Jackson.
Adelynn said, “Ava you don’t even know who Michael Jackson is”.  
She said “Yeah I do. He was a famous basketball player.” 
So close.


Adelynn had helped her Nana make a cake.
Ollie was talking about how actually Adelynn did the work and Nana was the sous chef.
“Nana was the shoo chef. That meant that anytime Adelynn wanted to do it on her own, she could just shoo Nana away”. 

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